Day 1: General Sessions - 2022 Learning The Ropes

This audio recording consists of the following segments that were presented in the general session on Day 1:

PLF Overview (.5 Oregon Practice and Procedure credit)
Learn about the PLF as Oregon’s mandatory legal malpractice provider for attorneys in private practice and our services to lawyers.

Megan I. Livermore, Professional Liability Fund Chief Executive Officer

Introduction to Claims and Risk Management (1 Oregon Practice and Procedure credit)
Learn about lawyers’ likelihood of having a malpractice claim, practice areas with the most claims, and other interesting data from our PLF claims. Get information on what to do when you’ve made a mistake and how the PLF can help.

Matthew A. Borrillo, Professional Liability Fund Director of Claims
Hong Dao, Professional Liability Fund Director of Practice Management Assistance Program

Regulation of Lawyer Conduct in Oregon (1 Ethics Credit - Oregon Specific)
Our speaker explains the various offices at the Oregon State Bar and the ethical rules that govern a lawyers’ conduct.  
 Linn D. Davis, Oregon State Bar Assistant General Counsel and Client Assistance Office

Professionalism: Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are (1 Ethics Credit - Oregon Specific)
Hear from our judges on what professionalism is and is not, and why professionalism is important to ensure a good quality of life and career satisfaction.
The Honorable Adrian Brown, Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge
The Honorable Eric L. Dahlin, Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge

Civil Motion Practice
This CLE focuses on the four most common motions you will likely come across in state court: ORCP 21 Motions, ORCP 23, Motion to Amend, Discovery Motions, and ORCP 47 Summary Judgment Motion.
 Xin Xu, Xin Xu Law

Family Law
Our speaker emphasizes the practical skills that she wishes she had known early in practice as well as the ways in which Domestic Relations differs from other forms of civil litigation
Amanda C. Thorpe, Cauble Selvig & Whittington LLP

Business Law/Business Transactions
The speakers will elaborate on what a business lawyer does, characteristics of a successful business lawyer, basic business transaction knowledge, along with general tips.

Todd Cleek, Cleek Law Office LLC
Anne E. Koch, Wyse Kadish LLP

Tips, Traps, and Tools for Successfully Navigating Negotiations and Professional Relationships
(1 Oregon Practice and Procedure credit)

Learn when to start negotiating and the different tactics used in successful negotiations and learn how to prepare clients for settlement negotiations.

The Honorable Katharine von Ter Stegge, Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge
The Honorable Angela F. Lucero,  Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge

Total MCLE Credit: 4.75 Oregon Practice and Procedure credits and 2 Ethics – Oregon Specific Credits

Topic: Practice Management
Date: 11/08/2022
Credits:4.75 - PS, 2 - ETH
Format: MP3
OSB CLE Event ID:92808
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