This CLE was originally presented as part of the PLF’s 2021 “Learning the Ropes” program.

Presenters: Megan Livermore, John Berge, and Hong Dao

This program qualifies for 1.25 Oregon Practice and Procedure credits.

Due to a technical issue, we were unable to record the full 1.5 hours of the live program. Only 1.25 hours were captured for MCLE purposes. If you are a new admittee and you are watching the 2021 Learning The Ropes program to satisfy all of the MCLE requirements for your first reporting period, you will need to fill this 15-minute gap with an additional CLE.

We recommend you view four of the CLEs (instead of three) from the concurrent tracks on Day 1 of Ropes, Wednesday, November 17, 2021. You can view the agenda here to help you choose. Or you can select any of our free CLEs with Practical Skills credits. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Topic: Practice Management
Date: 11/17/2021
Credits:1.25 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:88065
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

Streaming Video

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