Staff Member Details
Rachel Edwards - Practice Management Attorney

Rachel Edwards received her BA from the University of Washington in Seattle and her JD from Willamette University College of Law. She is a member of the Oregon State Bar, Oregon Women Lawyers, Multnomah Bar Association, American Bar Association, a former elected board member of the Washington County Bar Association, and a founding subcommittee member of the New Lawyers Division of the Washington County Bar Association. She has served as a Classroom Law Project Mock Trial Volunteer Judge, an Oregon Department of Human Services Adoption Contract Vendor Attorney, and a volunteer for the Convocation on Equality and the St. Andrew Legal Clinic.
Prior to joining the Professional Liability Fund in 2016, Ms. Edwards was in private practice for four years. Her areas of practice included Social Security disability, family law, adoption, and estate planning cases. In her role as a practice management attorney for the PLF, Ms. Edwards provides practice management assistance to Oregon attorneys to reduce their risk of malpractice claims and enhance their enjoyment of practicing law. Her assistance is free and confidential.
Ms. Edwards writes for the PLF's inPractice blog. To view her blog posts, click here.