If you want to improve your meeting management skills, take your inspiration from the conductor.
Catching the Right Fish: Associate Job Posts
Finding the right associate to join your firm can feel a lot like fishing. There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but you are searching for a star. Your job description is the first connection potential applicants have with you. You want that first contact to capture their attention and interest while also conveying your values and the benefits of working with you.
Welcome, Kirsten!
The OAAP is pleased to announce that Kirsten Blume, JD, MA candidate has joined the OAAP as an Attorney Counselor Associate!
Making the Work Flow
To prevent mishaps and errors, you may need to evaluate how cases proceed through your office. Having a smooth process can avoid inaccuracies and save time. You can be more efficient if you have a well-defined and planned workflow for you and your staff.
Hiring Staff: Considerations Before and During the Hiring Process
Feeling overwhelmed by your workload and never quite able to pull yourself out of the black hole of tasks? Yet most attorneys have never been an employer, and the idea of all that goes into hiring an employee can feel overwhelming. Don't allow this to deter you from at least considering the prospect of hiring staff.
Lawyers as Supervisors
The old adage