Elevate Mental Health and Well-Being Month | Week 2

Elevate Mental Health and Well-Being Month | Week 2

This week we’ll explore the concept of finding joy as legal professionals. We can feel joy in big celebrations and moments, but according to the Mayo Clinic it’s also important to "find wonder in the mundane and beauty in the everyday.” Experiencing joy and gratitude helps you be a more effective lawyer by improving mental and physical health. Importantly, research shows that joy is a state best shared with other people. When we’re experiencing joy, sharing that emotion with others helps us and them. When we’re not feeling as strong, “empathic joy”—sharing or feeling the joy of others—can help us get through the hard times.

What’s your joy? Join us this Wednesday, May 8, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. as fellow members of the legal community relate how they find joy in work and life. Come share your own joy, or come to listen and learn from your colleagues.

Things to Read, Watch, and Listen To
How to Overcome Stress by Seeing Other People’s Joy, by Dr. Kelly McGonigal
  • Empathic joy helps amplify the good and sustain hope when times are hard.
Tips for Embracing Joy in Daily Life, by Mayo Clinic staff
  • Embrace joy by focusing on what you can control, expressing gratitude, assuming positive intent, building relationships, and keeping perspective.
How to Notice and Build Joy into Your Life, TEDTalk Playlist

Move Over Gratitude, It’s Time to Try Delight, by OAAP Director Kyra Hazilla

What Is Savoring? Definition, Meaning, and Examples, by Dr. Tchiki Davis
Things to Try
Happiness Break: Tap into the Joy That Surrounds You, with Anushka Fernandopulle
  • A five-minute audio empathic joy practice.
Ripples of Kindness for Work & Home, by Anne Brafford for lawyerwellbeing.net
  • Materials, resources, and suggestions for bringing kindness and joy into your legal practice and personal life.

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