Revised PLF Books for Starting and Managing Your Law Practice!

To support aspiring and current firm owners, we've refreshed our practice management book series, complete with our latest malpractice avoidance tips, general guidelines, and practical forms. The new design format enhances readability, while the trio of covers embraces the essence of the Pacific Northwest. Whether you're planning to start a firm or already managing one, this set from the PLF reveals valuable insights to guide your journey.

The American Bar Association: A Wealth of Knowledge for a Reasonable Price

As any legal professional can tell you, there’s a lot to know when it comes to practicing law. Thankfully, organizations like the American Bar Association exist to help. With a long history and plethora of information, “[t]he ABA works to promote the best quality legal education, competence, ethical conduct and professionalism, and pro bono and public service work in the legal profession.” Consider joining and take advantage of all that a legal-specific national organization has to offer.

Resources for Connecting During COVID-19

The pandemic has forced us to reexamine how we connect with others. Thankfully, technology has allowed us to create new virtual networking opportunities with colleagues, friends, and family. It is important to maintain those connections and establish new ones; otherwise it has been shown that social isolation can have damaging effects, both personal and professional.

More Resources for Working from Home

Switching to a Work From Home (WFH) law practice is a big adjustment for lawyers and their colleagues, staff, and clients. To help support your efforts to make this go smoother, we have created a new practice aid,

Loss Prevention Resources

The PLF's loss prevention department provides assistance to Oregon lawyers in a variety of ways. Remember to take advantage of our resources at every opportunity.

Scrambling for CLE Credits?

December can be a busy month for many lawyers. One of the many tasks lawyers have to perform as they transition from 2018 to 2019 is submitting their MCLE compliance report to the Oregon State Bar. Sometimes lawyers are shocked to find out they are short 10 or more credits and then scramble for CLEs to make up for the shortfall.