To support aspiring and current firm owners, we've refreshed our practice management book series, complete with our latest malpractice avoidance tips, general guidelines, and practical forms. The new design format enhances readability, while the trio of covers embraces the essence of the Pacific Northwest. Whether you're planning to start a firm or already managing one, this set from the PLF reveals valuable insights to guide your journey.
The American Bar Association: A Wealth of Knowledge for a Reasonable Price
As any legal professional can tell you, there’s a lot to know when it comes to practicing law. Thankfully, organizations like the American Bar Association exist to help. With a long history and plethora of information, “[t]he ABA works to promote the best quality legal education, competence, ethical conduct and professionalism, and pro bono and public service work in the legal profession.” Consider joining and take advantage of all that a legal-specific national organization has to offer.
Avoid late fees
Do you pay your PLF assessment by check? Want to avoid late fees? Try our Quick Pay option!
Don't Miss Out: New and Updated PLF Practice Aids Available
The PLF is excited to announce we have completed the biennial comprehensive review of our in-house practice aids for Oregon legal professionals, including checklists, sample documents, and resource materials. We have also added a few new materials we hope you will find helpful.

Feel Well: Emotional Well-Being 2022
End the Friday feeling well with emotional well-being!

Connect: Social Well-Being 2022
Let's connect this Thursday with Social Well-Being!

Engage and Grow: Career and Intellectual Well-Being 2022
Let's engage this Wednesday with Career and Intellectual Well-Being!

Align: Spiritual Well-Being 2022
Let's align this Tuesday with Spiritual Well-Being!

Stay Strong: Well-Being Week Kick-Off and Physical Well-Being 2022
How Physical Well-Being fits into the role of a lawyer.

Well-Being Week in Law: 2022 Sneak Peak
The OAAP is excited to bring you blog posts and resources to enhance your well-being. Each day
A Message to our Oregon Legal Community in Response to the Wildfires
We understand that these are very difficult times, and we want to remind you that the Professional Liability Fund is here to help and has numerous resources available to assist you.
Resources for Connecting During COVID-19
The pandemic has forced us to reexamine how we connect with others. Thankfully, technology has allowed us to create new virtual networking opportunities with colleagues, friends, and family. It is important to maintain those connections and establish new ones; otherwise it has been shown that social isolation can have damaging effects, both personal and professional.
Is There a "New Normal" in Your Future?
With this blog post, let me pose the question, is there a
More Resources for Working from Home
Switching to a Work From Home (WFH) law practice is a big adjustment for lawyers and their colleagues, staff, and clients. To help support your efforts to make this go smoother, we have created a new practice aid,
Maintain Control by Narrowing Down Your COVID-19 Resources
At times like these, the amount of information available on the topic of COVID-19 can be overwhelming. With the vast number of unknowns and quickly changing landscapes, it can be difficult if not impossible to feel any sense of control. I
Loss Prevention Resources
The PLF's loss prevention department provides assistance to Oregon lawyers in a variety of ways. Remember to take advantage of our resources at every opportunity.
Scrambling for CLE Credits?
December can be a busy month for many lawyers. One of the many tasks lawyers have to perform as they transition from 2018 to 2019 is submitting their MCLE compliance report to the Oregon State Bar. Sometimes lawyers are shocked to find out they are short 10 or more credits and then scramble for CLEs to make up for the shortfall.
Taking Stock of Resources at the OSB for the General Public and Oregon Lawyers
Have you stopped to take stock of the resources available to the general public and for Oregon lawyers at the Oregon State Bar? There is a wealth of resources offered for free or for an affordable cost. Now is the perfect time to take stock of what is available to the general public that can be very useful for your clients and for your staff.