Marketing: Your Law Firm, Yourself

Marketing: Your Law Firm, Yourself

If you feel uncomfortable and unconfident marketing your law firm or yourself, you are not alone. Many professionals feel that it is unseemly to advertise, even though it is ethically permitted under the Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct, as long as it is neither misleading nor false.

More Resources for Working from Home

More Resources for Working from Home

Switching to a Work From Home (WFH) law practice is a big adjustment for lawyers and their colleagues, staff, and clients. To help support your efforts to make this go smoother, we have created a new practice aid,

Avoiding Malpractice

Avoiding Malpractice

Loss prevention is the chief focus for the Practice Management Advisor program, which is carried out by four attorney practice management advisors or PMAs. Since the PMA program is within the Professional Liability Fund, the loss contemplated is malpractice or professional negligence.

The Fake Law Firm Scam

The Fake Law Firm Scam

You may have heard about so many frauds that you are tired of listening. As a lawyer, you may avoid falling victim to fraud by being hyper-vigilant, by refusing to click on popup windows, or by refraining from opening unexpected attachments that could release malware onto your computer.

Six Tips for Keeping Clients Happier with Communication

Six Tips for Keeping Clients Happier with Communication

Unhappy clients are not the clients you want to have. They complain to you, to your staff, to their neighbors, to their friends, and they complain to the Oregon State Bar. One thing that makes clients unhappy is being ignored. Their emails go unanswered. There is no callback. If a receptionist is answering the phone, the receptionist becomes less sympathetic to the complaining client out of embarrassment or frustration.

The Basics of Your Financial Statements

The Basics of Your Financial Statements

The three most important financial statements that lawyers should pay attention to are the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. These reports will not only help you run a profitable law practice, they also will help you to provide current reports to your business loan officer if you plan to get a business loan.

Get Ready for Any Disaster

Get Ready for Any Disaster

There is nothing like a disaster occurring someplace else to make us pause to appreciate that we are not facing a similar disaster locally. I wonder whether the lawyers in the disaster zone were ready for the devastation to their law firms in the aftermath of the hurricane. I hope so because the disasters we don

Getting It All Done As a Solo

Getting It All Done As a Solo

One of the biggest challenges a solo without support staff faces is trying to get it all done. How is it humanly possible? It may take some extraordinary juggling and a persistent adherence to planning, but I believe you can get close.

Video: How to Use the Windows Snipping Tool

Video: How to Use the Windows Snipping Tool

This short video shows you how to use the Windows snipping tool. The snipping tool allows you to capture a portion of what is seen on your computer screen, such as a picture, a paragraph from an article, or contact information. PLF Practice Management Advisor Sheila Blackford leads you through how to capture something using this tool and how to use the tool

Playing the What-If Game

Playing the What-If Game

Lawyers are great planners. They are helpful to their clients because they are Grand Masters at the What-if Game: anticipating everything that might get overlooked or go wrong and planning accordingly. Today I

Entrance Stage Right: How to Resume the Practice of Law

Entrance Stage Right: How to Resume the Practice of Law

The one thing we can count on is that plans change. You may have intended that your departure from practicing law was permanent. Sometimes, the reasons that compel us to exit stage left become replaced by reasons to return. How do we do it? Do you try to pick up where you left off or do you start somewhere else? If these are questions you are beginning to explore, here are some things to consider and some resources to help you with your journey.

Pausing to Reflect on Good Beginnings: a Timeline of Service to Oregon Lawyers

Pausing to Reflect on Good Beginnings: a Timeline of Service to Oregon Lawyers

The PLF is celebrating its 40th anniversary! The PLF began operations as the mandatory provider of primary malpractice coverage for Oregon lawyers July 1, 1978, though the Oregon State Bar Board of Governors created the Professional Liability Fund in 1977 under Oregon State Statute 9.080 and the approval of the OSB membership.

Is Microsoft Office 365 a Good Bet for 2018?

Is Microsoft Office 365 a Good Bet for 2018?

Lawyers don't have the resources, time, or money to jump on the latest technology product or service for the mere sake of being an early adopter or follower of the crowd. We frequently only stop to consider the what and how and forget the why: does the product or service facilitate providing better legal services to the client in the most efficient manner?