The email domain that Oregon’s circuit courts and the Oregon Tax Court use to send notices has changed. The new domain name is You must add this new domain to your email application’s Safe Senders List to ensure that you receive court notifications in your inbox rather than your spam or junk folder. Below are instructions for how to add a domain name to your Safe Senders List in Outlook:

3. Enter the domain name ( into the field and click OK.

4. Then click Apply. Close the Junk Email Options box by clicking OK.

Other email applications will use a different process than what’s listed above. If you are not sure the domain name has been added to your Safe Senders List, contact your IT person to assist. Be sure to check your spam and junk folders regularly until you are certain these emails are being delivered to your Inbox. If you have any questions about the OJD domain name change, contact OJD Senior Assistant General Counsel Sam Dupree at L.S.Dupree@ojd.state.or.usor 971.283.1133.